We make it easy to give your employees access to reliable transportation.
It’s tough to find great employees and even harder to keep them. Limited public transit, long commutes, or lack of reliable transportation impact how many employees get to work. Invest in your employees by allowing them the perk of purchasing affordable, reliable motorized scooters through payroll deductions.Employees are more reliable
When your employees have access to consistent, affordable transportation, they’re able to get to work on time and easily adjust to schedule changes.
It’s free to participate
Enrolling employees in the MyCityRides program is free. You can help by offering payroll deductions, and we’ll cover the rest (including liability insurance).
Scooters create opportunities
Riding scooters helps your employees save money and time, giving them opportunities for a better life. And, when you can count on your employees getting to work, you’ll be able to grow your business.
Scooters help you stand out
Our scooters are more than a way to make sure your team can make it to work – they’re an attractive, forward-thinking perk that will set you apart.
Here’s how it works.
We’ll work with you to give your employees access to own their ride through our program.
We’ve got you covered.
Our contracts are strictly between MyCityRides and individual riders. You get the cost-free benefit of reliable, happy employees! We’re happy to answer any questions you have about becoming a MyCityRides partner.
Become a MyCityRides partner.
Fill out the form to let us know you’re interested in offering affordable transportation to your team. We’ll follow up to schedule an introductory meeting and road show.