Reimagine your ride.

We all have to go to work, run errands and get around town. On a MyCityRides scooter, getting there gets a lot more fun.

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Scooters on the road


Miles Traveled


Scooter’s Fuel Economy

Same commute, better views.

Our scooters help you see the city in a new way — with the wind at your back and the sun on your face.

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Person riding scooter on roadway.
Motorized scooter.

Ready to hit the road?

Tongela Carton

Having my own scooter has been great! I enjoy being out on the open roads, riding around the city and having motorists look at me with curiosity. There’s nothing like owning reliable transportation with exceptional gas mileage that I can park without any issues!

Khalil Castal

Scooting grants me freedom with the self-efficacy of having stable, cost-effective transportation. I now have a greater chance to explore all avenues that will help me as a graduating senior. I owe it all to MyCityRides’ mission to make Memphians scoot.